A Little Better: The vision for your business that REALLY matters

Pre-S: Key links you might be looking for… Enrich the mastermind. The Better Christmas Plan course. My upcoming FREE workshop on how to stop people-pleasing.

Reminder: This summer, on The Better Business Podcast, I’m releasing a capsule collection of shorter episodes that you can dip into for inspiration. They’re released on Fridays throughout August and September. Full episodes will be back in October.

Today’s episode is about the vision that matters in your business.

At the beginning of August, I wrapped up a 6 month mastermind. This intimate, soul-filled group of three women with creative businesses have been meeting with me every Monday afternoon, more or less, since February.

We’ve talked about business struggles, goals, personal challenges and strengths. We’ve learnt about each other – and about ourselves and what works for us.

Towards the end of our six month journey, we talked a lot about what we really want. About that line between what our logical, eager, opportunity-seeking brains can see, and the deeper longings of our creative souls.

We journalled. We coached. We talked. We uncovered.

I can’t tell you how powerful it was to get into the detail of it all.

We’ve been reflecting in our group chat recently, and it has made me think a lot about creating visions.

I’m a visionary sort of person. I can see possibilities and opportunities. It’s a strength I have, part of my personality. When I first started my business and started mentoring small business owners, I believed it was a big deal – an important piece of the puzzle. I could step into a client’s shoes and SEE.

As I’ve developed and trained more deeply, I know that my vision for a client is often a distraction. My excitement about a certain possibility can get in the way of uncovering a client’s true longings. These days, I’m dedicated to getting my vision out of the way and pouring my creativity into nourishing your vision and supporting you instead.

Here’s what I want you to know:

My vision for your business doesn’t matter.

Your partner’s vision for your business doesn’t matter.

Your staff, your friend, your mum’s vision – none of them matter.

Sure, you can lean on them and listen to them and cherry pick some things from other people’s vision.

But do not get tangled up in them.

You can spend so much energy trying to create something that someone else wants you to have. You can even experience a type of success.

But true success is YOUR vision, your values. It’s the difference between an inner glow as you receive the order or start working with a new client or start a new project – and slogging away as a means to an end.

I use visualisations fairly often in my work. And honestly, you can try it yourself, too. Take 15 minutes, set a timer, let yourself relax, and let your inner wisdom guide you to visualising a significant time in the future. Like mid-December, or this time next year. Notice what comes to mind without questioning it. Feel the energy of it.

Then spend 10-20 minutes writing it all down. You might find some surprises for yourself in there, and my experience is that they will motivate you and support you in making positive changes.

There’s a visualisation for Christmas in my Better Christmas Plan course, which is available for just another three weeks. It’s a game-changer if you’re a product-based business owner ready to level up this season.

And I’m opening up another Enrich mastermind starting in September. If you’re ready for more connection, more vision, more courage, and more soul in your business, this is for you.

To celebrate opening the mastermind, I’m teaching a free workshop on people-pleasing and how to stop it from running your business on Thursday 2 September at 8pm GMT.


Notes of Encouragement

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