Episode 14: How To Stop Overthinking



Are you an overthinker? Do you tend to worry about every small decision in your business?

Well, you’re not alone. This podcast episode is for anyone who tends to get stuck in a loop, wondering “what if” over all the tiny things, and feeling exhausted at the end of it.

You’ll discover:

  • What overthinking is, especially for business owners
  • Step 1 to calming your nervous system and resetting your busy brain
  • The connection between overthinking and the patriarchy
  • Why we tend to overthink and get stuck in decision paralysis
  • How you can reduce overthinking and free up your creative energy

Spoiler alert: reducing your overthinking is a HUGE step towards reclaiming your power.

And we 1000% need more of that in the world.

Questions to help you stop overthinking

  • Will this matter in a year?
  • What’s the actual risk – and potential reward?
  • What does your gut say?
  • What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  • What would be worth doing, even if you do?

Enjoyed this episode? I’d love to hear! You can pop a comment below, DM me on Instagram, or even buy me a coffee.

And if you want to access regular support to stop overthinking in your business, consider joining The Better Business Collective.

Do you need to change the journey or the destination?

If you’re a maker, solopreneur, or creative business founder, there’s a possibility that you’ve been reviewing your business and considering your goals for the year.

Chances are, you feel like there are a lot of possibilities, but you maybe haven’t really clarified your vision just yet.

I get it. There are lots of moving parts to business (and life), and 2021 isn’t exactly the most straightforward of times to be living in.

And as humans, we have this amazing ability for our monkey minds to be noisy chatter about all kinds of things that don’t really matter.

So let’s quieten down that voice and cut to the heart of things.

I have a metaphor (full disclosure: I love a metaphor!) that may just help you to see things differently…

The train metaphor

Imagine this year, or perhaps this phase, is a train journey. (Remember them?!)

You’ve got a ticket, you’ve found your seat, you’re ready to enjoy the ride.

Well, maybe you’re ready to enjoy it. Let’s just check in with that, shall we?

Are you headed to a destination you’ve been to before? Is this year looking pretty much like the last? Or are you headed somewhere new?

You can go to the same destination: reach more or less the same financial position, help the same customers, do the same things. For some of my clients, that’s actually really brilliant. For them, I invite them to buy a first class ticket, or maybe take the fast train with fewer stops. (Or even take the slow train and pause along the way…)

If that’s you, perhaps you can imagine how to upgrade your journey this year. Pack better snacks? First class seat? A welcome party when you get there?

And maybe you’re changing the destination…

The thing about trains is that there are a lot of them. You could go somewhere nearby, or you could board a train to another country and get halfway around the world.

Where will your ticket take you this year?

Is it close to where you’ve been before, or somewhere new?

Are you taking a stopping train through somewhere beautiful? Or a fast train to somewhere vibrant and exciting?

Where would you like to end up? And how can you make the journey smooth, enjoyable, and totally right for you?

The journey matters

We get caught up in the destination a lot – and that’s important. Especially when you have business goals that feed into the quality of your life.

But we spend a lot of time on metaphorical trains, moving from one place to another.

So my invitation for you today is to consider how you could make your journey work better for you.

You don’t have to take the same old train, sit in the same old seat, feel the same old weariness. We’re not commuters, worn in by habit and trying to get everything done as quickly as possible.

Instead, see the full possibility of what’s available to you. Trains headed in all kinds of directions. A ticket to platform 9 3/4. Trains through beautiful countryside with stunning views. Journeys that are just as much fun as the destination.

I can’t wait to hear if this helps you think differently about your business and plans for the year ahead! I’d love to know more about the train you’re on.

And if you enjoyed this metaphor, you might also like this one about cake, this one about cooking, and this one about movies.


Notes of Encouragement

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