Believe: my word for 2020

It’s that time of year!

So many of you choose your own words for the year these days, and I loooooove hearing about them.

It’s also a delight to reflect on not only the past 12 months but the last few years, the journey of words I’ve been on.

Anyway, I thought I’d share a little reflection on last year (my word was grow), as well as introducing my word for 2020: believe.

Growing in 2019

In 2019, I wanted to grow: my business, my belly, my family, my integrity. You can read about my intentions here.

And I did grow, in lots of ways. I grew a tiny human. I grew in confidence, and I certainly grew in clarity. Something about becoming a mother has made me very clear on what I’m doing and what there isn’t room for, which is honestly pretty amazing.

This was part of growing in 2019! Taken by @girl_behindthelens in June 2019.

What I couldn’t anticipate is how much 2019 would show me the depth of my own resilience. A lot happened in 2019, including a lot of hospital visits, and that required a lot of strength – strength I didn’t really know I had.

From a business point of view, I knew it would be challenging to grow my business in a profit / turnover sense while taking maternity leave. So my expectations weren’t exactly huge from that point of view. But I did grow my client list in the first half of the year, which is a key growth indicator for me: I want to help people in their businesses, and I did just that.

I still think about feeling good, feeling bad and feeling right in an atmosphere of growth. This phrase from Gretchen Rubin has really stuck with me, and I’m not done with the concept of growth at all. I think that’s one of the magic things about choosing a word: they stay with you beyond the year.

2020: the year of believe

Our beliefs influence our actions, consciously and unconsciously.

If I’ve learnt anything over the last few years, it’s that what we believe has a significant impact on what we achieve, how we feel and how we think about ourselves and our work.

This year, I’m ready to review and redefine my beliefs. I want to work in a way that’s aligned with what I truly believe, and I want to weed out some of the unhealthy beliefs that hold me back.

I want to do work that I really believe in. I want to share my beliefs openly, honestly, so that they reach the people who will find solace, inspiration, support in them.

And, at the simplest level, I want to believe in myself. I could do with some specific care in this area, especially as I shift into balancing work and motherhood.

I’ve started asking myself big questions, like “What do I believe in?”, “What do I believe about money, work, motherhood, creativity?” and “How would my to do list change if I believed in myself fully?”

And I’m loving getting started…

Using radical honesty to support this journey

While I was reflecting on the year past and the year ahead, the concept of radical honesty came springing out.

I think I have to be radically honest with myself, so that I can get to the bottom of my beliefs.

And I have to be radically honest about my beliefs and, well, pretty much everything as I get back into work, back into being The Jenny Pace.

It does feel a bit edgy. And to be clear, it’s not that I haven’t been honest in the past. It’s more like another stripping away of the layers that I might have been holding on to.

How’s your year (and word) going?

Have you chosen a word? Or made a resolution? Or set an intention? How’s it feeling to you?

I’d love to hear!

Until soon,

Jenny x

PS If you’d like to get blogs via email each week, you can sign up here.

PPS I have two coaching-mentoring spots available right now, for three or six sessions. Read more here and get in touch if you’d like support creating and achieving your business goals in 2020.

This is it. My parting gifts to you!

Well, my friends, I’m officially on maternity leave.

The majority of blogs, Instagram posts and newsletters you’ll see from me over the next few months are scheduled so that I can still share wisdom without interrupting tenuous sleep.

Of course, if you’re still craving more support that’s Jenny-shaped, I have a few options for you.

Progress not Perfection group coaching

My wonderful group of creative business owners continues throughout my maternity leave!

Here’s what you get:

  • A monthly email outlining the retail landscape for the month and helping you to prioritise
  • Monthly live coaching calls to catch up with the group and get some business clarity (kindly hosted by Helen Bottrill of The Creative Business Network while I’m away)
  • Weekly emails with a theme to help you take simple actions and keep your business moving forward
  • A dedicated Facebook group full of lovely people and handy reminders
  • A resource library full of past calls, bonus content and free workshops you can access any time
  • Free or discounted access to my other courses, including Pricing for Profit

It’s just £20 a month, and you can join (or leave) any time. All the content is geared towards helping you make progress in your marketing, money, shopkeeping, products, and keeping things neat and tidy in your studio.

Read more and join here.

Keep up with scheduled content

I’ve spent the last few months writing, scheduling and getting super wise. All of which to say, you can keep up with my newsletter, blog and Instagram feed for free!

There will be some gems from the archives, ideas and inspiration to get you thinking about your business in different ways, and hopefully some fun and games in the mix, too.

The Creative Business Retreat – March 2020

While I don’t know exactly when or how I’m going to be returning to work, I do know that I’ll be back at Pedington Manor for a long weekend in March to do my favourite thing in the whole world: lead my Creative Business Retreat.

There are two places left as I write this. Every single person who came to the 2019 retreat re-booked for 2020 (which feels amazing!) so there are a only a couple of spots open.

If my retreats have appealed to you in the past, this one is set to be extra special. Plus, with so much time before we meet, you can pay in smaller installments every month.

Book your spot here or get in touch about payment plans.

Business coaching

I’ll be back in 2020 with to coach business owners one-on-one.

If at any point in the next few months you feel like you need some support, encouragement and clarity – not to mention depth – you can jump on the waitlist here.

Having wrapped up with several clients in order to take maternity leave, I know this is something I’ll want to pick up again pretty quickly. Why? Because it’s awesome seeing the progress made and attitudes changed!

Join the coaching waitlist now


5 years in business: highlights and lessons

This week, it’s officially five years since I launched my first website and become self-employed.

Five years!

It’s been quick and slow and easy and hard and expected and unexpected.

Plus, I’m on maternity leave, so celebrating being in business is a little bit weird, to be honest.

But I thought I’d share some highlights and some things I’m pondering at the five year mark.

Highlight 1: Clients

I have worked with the most amazing clients over the last five years! It has been such an honour to be a trusted ear and voice for so many wonderful creative people. I’ve learnt so much from them and been inspired by them.

There is no better feeling than getting to know someone, how they work, what’s holding them back, and to see how they could move forward.

We’ve laughed a lot, my clients and I. We’ve been through disappointments and confusion and surprises and successes. There have been tears and hard moments. There have been big celebrations, and quiet moments of clarity.

Highlight 2: Creative Business Retreats

Starting just nine months after I launched my business, my Creative Business Retreats have been annual (and, one year, twice) delights of deeper business planning work.

They’ve shown me, over and over again, how I want to show up, how I want to support people, and how I can best do that.

I’ve known since I started that I don’t just want to look at the business numbers or the marketing plan. It’s about a holistic business practice, where the business owner is central to the success of the whole. And that has only developed and deepened over time.

The best bit? These retreats have resonated with attendees. They’ve been described as “life-changing”. They’ve forged friendships and business relationships. And they have expanded my heart.

(My next retreat is March 2020, and there are two spots left.)

Highlight 3: Expanding my business vision

With a very big caveat that not everything in the last five years has played out (more on that below), I am incredibly proud of the courage I discovered in myself to expand my business vision.

In 2016, I created Copper Boom Studio as a solution for small creative businesses to get professional content for their products. While it’s changed massively since then, it has taught me so much about the challenges of small business, and how I (well, we) can support them (well, you).

I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with my sister, my friends and the incredibly talented Cat, who now photographs and partners with me on the running of the studio. It’s still a thrill to see the latest shots for our clients!

(Cat is running the show over at Copper Boom Studio right now, and you can book our product photography services here.)


Things I’ve learned (and perhaps I’m still learning…)

There are business trends and fads

I don’t just mean trends like flamingos and cacti and hand-lettering – features of product and brand design.

What I’ve noticed is there’s a kind of collective consciousness when it comes to business tools and strategy. Some of it is natural and helpful. Some of it needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Examples I’ve seen include a sudden move to Facebook advertising, or affiliate schemes, or using specific tools or apps to schedule content.

Of course, the wise business owner looks out for helpful ways to market and run their business. But none of the things I’ve seen in the last five years have been right for everyone. There have been no golden ticket strategies or tools that I’d blanket recommend.


This is probably one of the big lessons of my life! But patience is something it turns out I really needed in business as well as life.

I’m really good at patience in some areas. I’m good at staying in certain types of vulnerability, not knowing what’s going to happen. I can talk myself through options and scary patches like a pro (because I kind of am one?).

But when it came to Copper Boom, I rushed in. I tried to get too much done too quickly, and ultimately that meant scaling back pretty quickly too.

So we keep learning the lessons we need to learn. Patience is something I now expect to need.

Trusted people are the best

Even when we work alone, we don’t work in a vacuum. It makes such a huge difference to work with people you trust, who trust you, and who share your vision.

This is a lesson learned the hard way – there have been let downs and things that didn’t work out.

But I’m grateful because it has helped me to honour the relationships that support me and nurture my business.

A few people I’d like to thank:

Kelly Harcus – the greatest friend and business support

Evan Quinn – my most amazing brand and web designer

Cat Ashenden – an incredibly talented photographer (and much more!)

Helen Bottrill – the kindred spirit I needed, currently taking care of my Progress not Perfection group


There’s more to learn, and more to envisage

When I started my business, I had a whole load of enthusiasm and confidence! There have definitely been times in the last five years when I’ve felt more bruised and naive than I did then.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to learn as I go, and after the bruising I’ve been able to commit to learning.

While I’ve learnt a lot, what I love the most is that I know that it’ll keep on going. I’ll learn more about supporting business owners, about running my own business, about recovering from challenges. Business will change, and I’ll expand my knowledge.

As I take a break to birth a babe, I’m also excited to see the potential in the future, to envisage more and better for myself and for my clients.

There are futures out there that we haven’t even dreamed of yet. And I’m thrilled to be able to imagine them.


Notes of Encouragement

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