A Little Better: When Facebook Goes Down, Use Email Marketing

Today’s episode is for small business owners who don’t want to be hyper reliant on social media, and who are looking for calmer, more confident ways to market their business. (Hint: it’s email marketing…)

So Facebook went down. Again. There have been a few incidents recently. And personally there’s a sigh of relief. I like an excuse to put my phone down and connect with the present moment and what’s in front of me!

But it’s also a bit discombobulating, especially if you’re a business owner in a sales period.

First, I want to say that I am not one for scaremongering. Facebook – and Instagram, same family – are sticking around. They’re unlikely to disappear at the drop of a hat. Like all technology, they are constantly innovating, and sometimes that means down time. It’s part of the process.

However, it’s a good reminder, especially at this time of year, to have some contingency plans. Things can change. Servers can go down. And while it’s unlikely to be over Black Friday weekend (they rely on advertisers too much to risk that), as a business owner, we want some other options.

Here’s the big contingency plan: email marketing.

I am a huge fan of email marketing, as I’ve shared before on this podcast. And one of the reasons is exactly this: you have way more control over it than social media. Even if you use Flodesk and Flodesk goes down, you can grab your list and use it through another platform.

And you’re not so reliant on algorithms, either.

So I like email for the ownership element, but I also like it because it converts.

It really, really helps your customers to sit and actually place the order. Which, at Christmas, is highly, highly effective!

Yes, that conversion is boosted by seeing your product on social media. But the emails are the catalyst.

Email marketing is more intimate, more likely to convert, and builds loyal, repeat customers.

The dream!

What to do if you’re slightly freaking out and short on time

If you have an email list (even if it’s only small), but haven’t been great at sending emails out – schedule a few over Christmas. Send one out this week and see what happens. Reintroduce yourself.

If you have a very small list, or no list at all, start building it. Create a download or offer that customers need to sign up to receive, and start collecting those email addresses. Add a sign up box at checkout so that you’re collecting email address of customers who are buying already – that’s the low-hanging fruit.

The best time to build an email list? Five years ago. The second best time? Now.


And if you’re feeling all adrift, book a strategy session with me in October to contingency plan, get support with your content, and get organised.

I hope that the best thing to happen when Facebook goes down is that you put your phone down, put the kettle on, and just do whatever it does that makes your heart sing.

A Little Better: Time To Share Your Products

Do you struggle to share your products? Maybe you feel nervous about doing it, or aren’t sure where to start. This episode is for you!

Reminder: This summer, on The Better Business Podcast, I’m releasing a capsule collection of shorter episodes that you can dip into for inspiration. They’re released on Fridays throughout August and September. Full episodes will be back in October.

Today’s episode is for all the small business owners, makers, solopreneurs getting their businesses ready for Christmas, and maybe having a wobble about what to share in their marketing content. 

If you know you should probably be building up your marketing…

If you know that Christmas is a big opportunity, but also a bit scary…

If you want to make the most of Christmas for your business… 

Then I have a really important, actionable tip that you can start doing right now.

Are you ready?

Share your products.

Okay, stay with me! I know, it sounds really obvious, but there’s a reason I’m wearing my Captain Obvious cap today.

Most solopreneur small business owners don’t share their products enough. Why? Because it’s scary. Because putting yourself out there is hard. Because it invites vulnerability and rejection and fear of failure.

I get it.

There’s also another reason you’re not sharing your products enough:

You don’t think it will make a difference.

Haven’t you already “bombarded” your audience?

You shared this product TWICE this year – aren’t they tired of hearing about it?

Friends, no.

No, your people aren’t bored of you. No, they aren’t tired of hearing from you. 

In fact, they probably didn’t see it or register it fully. You need to show it again. You need to build familiarity and awareness and joy.

On average, customers need to see a product ELEVEN TIMES before they decide to purchase.

ELEVEN. And for some customers, that’s even more. 

And I don’t mean you need to share something eleven times – they need to see it eleven times – and there’s a big difference.

About 8-10% of your followers see your posts on Instagram. And about 20% of your email subscribers open your emails. Not everyone is seeing everything every time.


And if you want that successful Christmas season, those busy November and December days, it is highly recommended to start showing your products now.

Not to get sales now. (Though chances are, it will help.)

But to build awareness and familiarity.

Show sneak peeks. Show details. Share something you love. Show them in progress. Show them in the background while you’re talking about something else.

How? For way more ideas, head back to the full episode 3 (How To Share Your Products) – it’ll get your ideas flowing.

Your customers might not buy from you yet. But if they haven’t seen what you have to offer, then they definitely won’t.

A Little Better: Are You Trying To Sh*t Miracles?

Pre-S: Looking for the How To Find (And Keep) Your Focus workshop? Head here.

Does your to do list require miracles to get ticked off? My wise sister’s advice is for you in this week’s mini episode!

Today’s Little Better episode is my first sweary podcast episode. I mostly try to avoid swearing because as a podcast listener, I sometimes listen with my kids around, and I want you to be able to listen whenever works for you, too.

But I couldn’t get around this one: we need swearing!

So if you’re up for that, let’s dive in.

Beyond swearing, this episode is about the need to focus in business so that you can actually make progress and see the success you’re dreaming of.

A few years ago, I had a photography studio in addition to my coaching business. I had a talented team, and we produced product photos and content for product-based businesses. My incredibly talented sister (now a fancypants producer for Adidas), Holly, was the Studio Manager and we had such a blast working together. 

In her wisdom, and with her deep wit, she said something to me that I’ve never forgotten.

She said, “Are you trying to shit miracles today? It really seems like you’re trying to shit miracles.”

My friends, she was right. The to-do list wasn’t realistic. It was based on the idea that miracles would appear from nowhere.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in magic and miracles. Daily. Regularly. Unexpectedly.

But basing the success (or even viability) of your business on overcoming the odds, being superhuman, isn’t the way to go. If you need a series of miracles in order to get through the day or week, you need to take another look.

There’s a reason I don’t have a photography studio anymore.

Since then, I have honed and developed a talent: focus and flow.

Focus: to dial in on the things that move my business forward and have greatest impact.

Flow: to allow the things that trip me up or ask me to shit miracles to flow away.

I’ve always been kinda good at prioritising. These days, it’s the first place I start, and it’s a huge part of how I help my clients and Collective members.

The first step is to realise that focus is your friend.

Focus allows you to create a meaningful, profitable business with your sanity intact. By reducing your focus to 2-3 key projects, you actually increase your productivity overall. Focus means you can complete projects in a way that feels really good and has desired results, rather than being all over the place with 10,000 things you’re kind of doing half-heartedly.

Focus allows you to be all in on the things that matter.

Ready to learn how to focus? Curious about the systems I use to keep me focused? Want to stop waiting for miracles just to get through the day?

Join me for a free workshop on How To Find (And Keep) Your Focus As A Creative Business Owner on Friday 10 September, 10:30am GMT.


Notes of Encouragement

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