A Little Better: Friday 13th, Feeling Lucky, & Creating Your Own Luck



This summer, on The Better Business Podcast, I’m releasing a capsule collection of shorter episodes that you can dip into for inspiration. They’re released on Fridays throughout August and September. Full episodes will be back in October.

Today’s Little Better episode is about Friday 13th, feeling lucky, and creating your own luck.

A couple of years ago, I went to a DIY shop to get a replacement shed lock (glamorous life, as always!), and I decided to register for an account. As I gave the nice chap at the counter my address, he noted that I live at number 13.

“Unlucky 13!” he said.

“Unlucky for some,” I replied. “Not for me!”

I told him how I had also grown up in a number 13, and so I always associated it with home. I didn’t tell him about the energy of that particular home and time in my life were full of happy memories and energy. It was a DIY store on a Thursday evening, so I didn’t want to push it.

But 13 has never felt unlucky to me.

As I was thinking about this encounter recently, I thought about luck. I might not care about Friday 13th, but what are my stories about being lucky?

Do you feel lucky? Do you tell yourself that you’re unlucky, that it’ll never happen?

Meghan Genge talks about magic and miracles, and how when we expect them, we see them.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it,” said Roald Dahl.

The voice that tells you it’ll never happen for you, that you’re just not the sort of person that gets the big break or the good news – that’s your inner critic, trying to keep you safe and small and avoid vulnerability.

It’s safe for you to see everyday miracles, like finding the perfect parking space, or having all the green lights. Notice them where they happen.

As I was writing my ideas for this episode, I saw a quote from Shonda Rhimes, one of my all-time favourite humans, the powerhouse behind Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal and loads more.

She said, “I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.”

I mean, she’s not wrong.

But what if we can be lucky – and create and grow our own luck?

What if we get smarter about spotting opportunities?

What if we become a total badass at courageously putting ourselves out there, shining our light, and graciously receiving the luck, the prosperity, the good news, that we get in return?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it this week, is to get luckier.

Notice the luck you have. Articulate the luck you want. Switch on your opportunity detectors. Channel your savvy boss lady energy into creating more luck for yourself.

Friday 13th is a great day to change the story, and change your world.


Notes of Encouragement

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