Progress not Perfection: Set your intention for today


Before you dive in to one of the busiest days of the year, take one tiny moment to set an intention.

We can’t control everything, but we can set a positive intention for how we’ll deal with good news, bad news, setbacks, and all kinds of things that head our way.

Intend to be calm. Intend to prioritise only the most important things. Intend to see the positive in each moment.

I like to decide for myself what “enough” is each day. Perhaps enough is simply getting the orders out.

Or decide what “good” will look like – knowing you’ve done your best, or responded to challenges with confidence that you know what you need to do.

One moment of positivity in the morning can carry through your whole day.

Get my free Progress not Perfection emails directly to your inbox every day until 4 January 2018.

Progress not Perfection: Black Friday Eve

Tomorrow is a big day for those of us in retail: Black Friday. Whether you’re getting involved in discounts, small business social campaigns, or #noblackfriday, it marks the start of when customers start shopping in earnest.

It’s entirely possible that, this time tomorrow, you’ll still be working. And that, next time you look up, it’ll be Christmas Eve.

A little preparation ritual

This evening I invite you to do three things:

  1. Set an intention for the next few days. Perhaps you want to stay as calm as possible. Maybe it’s about reminding yourself that you’re working towards business success. Or maybe you just want to take every moment as it comes. Make a note of your intention and pop it somewhere you’ll see it.
  2. Have a little tidy up. Full disclosure: I’m not the neatest person. So when things get busy, I have to remind myself that just 10 minutes to clear a little space around my laptop will help me feel better. Even if you just take out the bins, you’ll feel good about it tomorrow.
  3. Stock up on things that will nourish and motivate you. Your self-care is why we’re here. And if you’re not cared for, it’s going to be really hard to get through the highs and lows of the next month. I’ve included some ideas below.

A few ideas of things to get or do this evening. Tweak as necessary.

  • A water bottle or jug and glass to keep nearby so you’re hydrated.
  • Your favourite tea or coffee. Go to town. Get the good stuff.
  • Cereal bars. Mince pies. Popcorn. Easy, store-able snacks.
  • Hand sanitiser. Hand soap. Tissues.
  • Hot water bottle. Blankets. Jumpers
  • Put a wash on. Make sure you’ve got clean socks.
  • Decide, buy, and prepare meals for the next 3 to 5 days.
  • Clear your emails.
  • Make sure your favourite mug is clean.
  • Go to bed half an hour earlier than you usually do / thought you would.

Ready? Feeling cared for? In need of some encouragement? You can get all the Progress not Perfection emails directly in your inbox every single morning for free. Sign up here to get the goodness!

Jenny x

PS Care packages go out on Monday! There’s still time to get these limited edition bundles of joy…

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Recommended: supportive courses for Christmas

For the past two years, since I started mentoring small creative business owners, I’ve run Progress not Perfection – an email and care package programme to bring support and ease into the busiest weeks of the year.

This year, I’ve made the decision not to run it because I’m pretty tied up in Copper Boom Studio, as well as planning my January retreats.

But I wouldn’t want you to feel unsupported over Christmas! So here are a few recommendations for ways you can get some calm and love in your mailbox.

1. A Thankful Heart by Gabrielle Treanor

Gabrielle is a passionate and gentle soul, seeking to guide busy people towards a more grateful and joyous everyday life. This particular course starts on 7 November and is all about finding little bits of good in every day. I’ve personally read every email and listened to every recording, and this course is a lovely way to create more gratitude and happiness.

2. Savor by Rachel Cole

Every year for the past five years, I’ve taken Rachel’s festive season offering. The first one got me through a very hard winter, before I knew that I wanted to leave my job (and relationship) in search for something more on my own terms. I’ve worked with Rachel for three years (she’s my coach) and I love the way she brings her wisdom to the Christmas season. This year’s Savor course sees new guest teachers offering meditations and pauses for thought. Lovely!

3. Being Boss Podcasts

I love having something to listen to while I’m working, and I’ve found the Being Boss podcast so helpful and inspiring. This option isn’t as gentle as the other two – it’s more business advice and getting you thinking, which might not be quite right for this time of year. But it’s full of wisdom and “me too” moments. Tune into episodes you most need or simply catch up on the regular programme.


And, of course, the invitation is open to join me in January in the Cotswolds for a weekend of restoration, inspiration and creativity. Booking in on a retreat is one of the only ways to work with me in the coming months.

Sending love your way,

Jenny x


Notes of Encouragement

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