The ultimate mini meditation bundle for busy business owners

We know that our energy impacts our success soooooo much, but it can be so hard to shift our energy during busy days and when things start to get on top of them.

Which is why I'm bringing you go-to meditation recordings to listen to whenever you need a boost. They start at just two minutes, so they're ideal even when you're busy and need a shift.

These 10 audios will help you to stay focused on what's most important, step away from overthinking, and create the business and life you really want.

Your mindset makes all the difference. Take 2 minutes to shift your energy and reclaim your focus.

Here's what's included:

  • Morning Meditation so that you can start your day on the right foot (2 mins)
  • End Of Workday Meditation so that you can consciously end your workday and switch off (just over 2 mins)
  • Affirmation Meditation including the affirmations I shared in the Manifesting Masterclass - great for listening in the background (9 mins)
  • When You're Close To Burnout - so that you can ward off the overwhelm (6 mins)
  • When You Need To Energise - so that you can amplify your energy efficiently
  • Marketing Energy & Affirmations so that you can bring positive, magnetic energy to your marketing
  • Self Belief Creativity Meditation so that you can embrace inner confidence in your creations and your business decisions
  • Ideal Customer Visualisation so that you can really see the customers you want to connect with, practically and energetically
  • Tricky Customer Boundaries Meditation so that you can release energy that isn't yours and protect yourself when dealing with people and situations that aren't ideal
  • Saying Yes & No Meditation so that you can make decisions with head and heart

You'll also receive a get started guide to help you make the most of the meditations!

All for just £30!