Gifts for gift-makers

I’m so excited about supporting small creative businesses over Christmas this year. A lot of my gifts will be purchased this weekend at Renegade Craft Fair, and I’ve already started my online shopping. Woohoo!

I’ve got quite a few secret Pinterest boards and lists of ideas for friends, family and, to be honest, me. But there was another list brewing, one that I feel is very important. It’s a list of awesome gifts for the gift-makers, for small creative businesses, for those running their own business or thinking about it.

It’s a list of awesome gifts for you!

You might want to share this as a subtle hint. You might want leave it open on your laptop while you’re making dinner. Whatever gets their attention…



I love books, and there are thousands of business books out there. These are my current favourites. (I’ve linked to Amazon for convenience and so that you can get ISBNs easily – don’t feel you need to purchase from there!)

Playing Big: Find your voice, your vision and make things happen by Tara Mohr. I just finished this book, and it is wonderful. Thoughtful, practical, encouraging, honest. Tara and I both believe that we’re not people and entrepreneurs separately: we’re whole. And we can’t just brush our fears aside, we have to address them. A great read for those in business, or just starting.

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown. I can’t get enough of this book, and I would honestly recommend that absolutely everyone reads it. Brene goes deep into some tough subjects, but she does it with humour and grace. I love it!

Shape Up Your Business: The Founders of Share Their Story in a 30-Day Success Plan and Build a Business from Your Kitchen Table by Sophie Cornish and Holly Tucker. Two fabulous books, not least because Holly and Sophie share their own story about And I contributed to them… 😉



the green gables' 2015 wall planner
the green gables’ 2015 wall planner

We’re constantly planning, and when the tools you’re using to plan are beautiful, it makes it even more fun! There are lots of lovely planners out there, and these are some of my favourites.

the green gables produces great wall planners for the week, month and year, which include little positive quotes as part of the Live Happy range. I love having something visual to look at when I’m planning and pondering, and these are ethically produced and eco-friendly. Even better!

This beautiful ‘Live Simply’ planner by amazing designer Katie Daisy makes me so happy. What a treat!

Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map planner. I really like Danielle LaPorte’s idea that the most effective way to plan our lives (and businesses) is to focus on how we want to feel, and this planner is chock full of reminders and questions about our plans and desires. I can’t wait to start using mine.


Stationery essentials

Colourful pen loops from xoxo stationery
Colourful pen loops from xoxo stationery

I use a LOT of stationery, and I know a lot of my clients do too. There’s something really important about getting things down on paper, and in beautiful colours.

These colourful pen loops supplied by xoxo stationery are adhesive, so you can attach them to all your planners, notebooks, and calendars.

Beautiful pens are important, and are needed all the time. I love Uni-ball (green and blue only, thanks). My friend Kelly recently introduced me to Muji pens, which come in lots of fun colours and write really nicely, too.


And, of course, more…

Give the gift of time off, or a bath, or a massage. Do not underestimate how important these things are. Time to plan and ponder is invaluable. Take care of the kids, parents, friends, chores, and let your business-minded other half think and create for a bit.

And I just have to tell this story:

I received an email recently from a gentleman asking if he could buy some of my time and advice for his girlfriend’s 30th birthday. I was so touched! The answer, of course, is yes. I can offer one-off sessions suitable as a Christmas gift, and will be launching a whole host of new services in January. I’m running a retreat in March 2015 – a perfect business development gift. Get in touch if you’d like more info.

I hope you all get just what you need this Christmas,


Here's the thing: burning out too early

Every Friday I post a “here’s the thing” blog. “Here’s the thing” is something my mum (and many other wise people) like to say when they’re about to make a good point. Hopefully these posts are also good points.

“It’s better to burn out than fade away,” said Neil Young. Not when we’re halfway through November, hurtling towards Christmas, it’s not. Thanks, but no thanks.

Whether you’re starting to see the orders mounting up, or worrying because they’re not and spending your time and energy doing everything you can to make some sales, this is a plea: do not burn out too early.

Yes, this is the biggest sales opportunity of the year. Yes, you have to be on your game. Yes, you have to take advantage of every moment of every day in order to keep up.


You can’t do everything. And if you’re exhausted and ill in the first week of December, there’s no way you’ll make the most of the opportunity.

You’re a human being, and you need rest, food, water, sleep, social interaction. They’re all crucial to your ability to work the long days and be as busy as you are (or will be).

And if you’re worrying about orders, know that worry also takes its toll on your body. Rest, laugh, take deep breaths.

Those taking Progress not perfection (my supportive email programme to keep you sane at this time of year) will be used to these reminders and nods of encouragement. I’ve been sending reminders to drink water, sleep, create rountines, and much more. I believe it’s essential to make sure you’re working at your maximum capacity.

So here’s the thing

Think long-term as you look after your health and energy levels:

  • Give yourself a break, and take regular breaks.
  • Find some things you can drop.
  • Create an evening routine that indicates that you’re no longer working.
  • Eat well and regularly. Nourish your body and brain so you don’t burn out.

It’s not just the short-term that’s affected by burn-out: you can feel the effects for weeks and months. And we want you starting the new year with as much energy and enthusiasm in tact as possible!

If you need some reminders and encouragement, I’m offering late entry to Progress not perfection for just £40! You’ll get a round up of resources I’ve already sent out, and you’ll get the rest of the emails with everyone else. They’re easy to absorb, and are designed to support you through these busy and challenging weeks. That’s 5 weeks for £40 (previously £65 for 8 weeks).


Here's the thing: quality content

Every Friday I post a “here’s the thing” blog. “Here’s the thing” is something my mum (and many other wise people) like to say when they’re about to make a good point. Hopefully these posts are also good points.

I’ve written about quality before, but this time of year, when you’re still holding your nerve and waiting for the big sales to hit, it requires a little reminder.

When you’re busily fulfilling orders, or prepping stock, or managing and training staff, you’re in the thick of it and it can be hard to come up with a marketing message (on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, or in your email newsletter) that’s clear, true to you, and something customers are going to respond to. In short, a quality post. Couple that busy-ness with worry about low sales or no sales, and you’ve got a recipe for reactionary, half-baked and potentially desperate messages that turn customers off.

And I don’t want that for you.

Your business, your brand, your products, deserve high quality marketing. They deserve to be shown in the best possible light. You’re putting your all into this. We want that to shine through to the world.

Of course, ideally, you’d have a marketing plan all mapped out, and great ideas and content coming out of your ears. You wouldn’t have to discount your products to make sales, because they’d just be coming in anyway. In a dream world, you wouldn’t have to compete with the likes of John Lewis making heart-wrenching ads about penguins, because your customers would understand that you’re a different kettle of fish: independent, small, creative, and high-quality.

But the reality is, it doesn’t always get planned down to what exactly you’re going to say on Facebook, you know? And we all fall in love with John Lewis and almost (okay, maybe completely) forget that they’re going to grab the attention of what could also be your customers.

I know you are capable of connecting with people who want to buy your products. I know you have great products. I know they (and you) have a story that will get people engaged and interested and purchasing.

So here’s the thing:

Tell your story. Bring your posts and emails and tweets back to what makes you, you. Start the conversation. The positive, brand-affirming conversation.

Here are some ideas and tips to use to connect with your audience without selling yourself short:

  • Tell people what you’re always up to. This isn’t just about getting sales at Christmas – you’re not that shallow. This is about your dedicated approach to your business. You craft products by hand. You spend hours designing, creating, testing, developing ideas. Show people what’s behind the finished item.
  • Feel festive. Get some Christmas decorations up and post photos of them. Are you buying from other small creative businesses for your Christmas gifts? Show people, and tell them it means a lot to have their support too.
  • Put your products together in a new and interesting way. Simply directing people to browse your whole range isn’t the strongest message ever – every brand and their dog is doing that at this time of year. Put together a new collection or category of products based on a colour, a personality, a new theme, and link to it. Tell a story about how you’ve really been inspired by metallics or musicians or travel this year, so you’ve created gifts to reflect those passions.
  • Share positive reviews and customer feedback. Perhaps someone had a really touching story. Ask them if you can tell it on your blog, or Facebook, and get more people sharing their stories and ideas with you.
  • Be kind and generous, but not desperate. If you’re going to do a promotion or offer, consider how you might find something that doesn’t cheapen your product, but makes customers feel special. Perhaps you add a little gift rather than discounting. Maybe you could offer gift wrapping for free for a limited period.
  • Post a photo of your products in progress. Either as you’re making them now, or a shot of you making them from earlier in the year. Show customers that you put time and effort into each order.

It’s not easy to always be “on it” at this time of year. But I know you’ll come out stronger in January if you keep your messages and marketing consistent with your brand.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Jenny x

PS This quote remains one of my favourite business mantras. Disclaimer: not suitable for those who are averse to swearing.


Notes of Encouragement

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