My word for 2015: care

May 2015...
Card by afewhometruths

For the last couple of years, I’ve chosen a word for the year. Something that I could use as a reminder when I needed it, or something that I could dive into.

In 2013 it was “wishing” – I wanted to be really honest about what I wished for, what I wanted my life to be like.

For 2014, I chose “trust”. It was time to start trusting myself to make those wishes come true, and to start trusting the universe that things would develop at just the right time.

And blimey, was that true! Those dreams I dreamed in 2013 pretty much all came to fruition in 2014: I left my job, started my business, started a big new relationship, and bought a flat. Whew!

This year, I wanted something a little more gentle, and something that would bring me back to this new life that I’ve created. I’ve been thinking about settling in to the new flat, a new routine, and some new work, and I wanted a word that would speak of getting comfy in this new (mental, emotional, physical) space.

After some ponderings, I chose care.

In 2015, I’m going to care for myself. This new self-employed life allows for midday yoga classes, short runs, carefully cooked lunches, and regular breaks. I’m my own boss, which means I’m in charge of how many breaks I’m allowed and the kind of chair I sit on. But it’s not just work: I’ll be continuing to care for myself physically, emotionally and mentally.

I’m going to care about my clients. I pretty much get to choose who I work with, and generally it’s my policy to work with clients who get me really fire up. In the past 6 months, my clients have been people and businesses I can really get behind. Yes! More of that!

I’m going to care about and tend to my own business. If you run a business, you know that lots of things need regular attention, from your record-keeping to your website. I love the idea of tending to my business, blog and website like I would a garden – with regular care and attention.

And I’m going to be really honest about what I do care about. When I chose “wishing” in 2013, I was ready to be honest with myself about what I wanted, even if I didn’t tell anyone else, ever. Because, like many people, I have moderated my desires so that they’re acceptable to other people. I wanted to please other people more than myself. I often need prompting to just open up to what I really think, what or care about.

And that last bit is what I want to bring to life this year. I’m a passionate person. I care, deeply, about people and principles. I care about doing a good job. I care about finding a great solution, and about finding clarity. I care about supporting small businesses, fully – not just saying it, but actually offering services and support that make a difference.

This year, I will care, and I will show it.

Have you chosen a word for 2015?

I’m incredibly curious about choosing a word in a business context. I chose something that would work for me personally and professionally, but perhaps you just do one or the other?

If you haven’t chosen a word yet, you might like to think about the qualities you want to bring into your life or your business in the next 12 months. I like to have something simple and all-encompassing, but you could also be more specific if that feels good to you.


Do you need some care in 2015?

Whether you’re just starting out or looking for a year that will push your business forward in new ways, I’m here to help. My mentoring services are available, and I have a few spots open right now.

I’m also running The Small Creative Business Retreat in March. It’s going to be an exciting and relaxing long weekend to re-focus your energy on your business. If you’re interested in joining me, please book soon so we don’t run out of space!

Here's the thing: when it comes to an end

Every Friday I post a “here’s the thing” blog. “Here’s the thing” is something my mum (and many other wise people) like to say when they’re about to make a good point. Hopefully these posts are also good points.

For many of you, today’s the final day of taking and sending out orders. Some of you will keep going into Saturday or Monday with express orders. But for all, the end is in sight. Woohoo!

What a whirlwind. December seems to have flown by. And, for many, this year has been a bit, well, weird. Black Friday was a thing in the UK for the first time. Sales patterns have been vastly different for many. There’s been a LOT of holding your nerve. (One client said she had enough of it, thank you very much.)

Some things haven’t changed: the exhaustion from worry and/or long days, the isolation of being your own boss and making all the decisions, and the delights of ‘where’s my order?’ emails from expectant customers. (Tip: just email them back as soon as possible, even if it’s just to say wait a bit longer. They’ll feel heard and tended to.)

From the outside perspective, it seems like when the busy-ness stops, it should be easy to just flop into a state of relaxation and happiness. And, often, there is that moment of elation and joy. But, in my experience, when you’re not pushing towards the finish line any more, doubts and fears and the sheer emotion of adrenaline fallout can leave you in need of more care and attention than expected.

It’s time to be incredibly kind to yourself.

You might find that family obligations quickly kick in to replace the work obligations. Perhaps your family and friends don’t necessarily “get” the incredible amount of effort and energy that Christmas takes for you. And if they do, your nearest and dearest might even feel a bit resentful of the time you spend on your business at this time of year. Stranger things have happened, and if any of those apply to you, you’re not alone.

So here’s the thing:

I want to encourage you today, this weekend, as you’re winding up, to do as much as you can to show yourself the Christmas spirit. Choose as many of these as you like:

  • Write yourself a to-do list of things that need following up when you do work over the Christmas period, or when you’re back in January. It’ll help your tired and addled brain to take a break from remembering everything. 5 minutes now will make a huge difference later.
  • Write a letter to your future self, or just a list of things that have happened this Christmas that are worth remembering. Which day was the hardest or busiest? What helped you get through it? Which marketing tactics worked for you this year? How do you feel right now? Capturing all these things in the moment will help you to plan and take care of yourself more next time.
  • Drink a lot of water. You’ve probably hit adrenal burn out, and your body needs some serious TLC. Water is the basic way to replenish it.
  • Consider taking vitamins D and C. Vitamin D supplements replace what we normally get from the sun, and vitamin C is essential for fending off seasonal colds and flu.
  • Sleep. A lot. As much as you can. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try Neal’s Yard Remedies’ night time aromatherapy roll-on, or Cook’s Organics’ sweet dreams foot cream.
  • Take a bath. Or a really long shower. Great for some alone time.
  • Listen to music you love. Or, if you need inspiration, try my vintage Christmas playlist, relaxation mix, or joy playlist. Or you can always just listen to the Holiday soundtrack on repeat, like me.
  • Give yourself comfort. Whether you’re staying at home or travelling, give yourself extra pillows, blankets, cosy socks, big jumpers, and your favourite hot beverages. It’s the season of comfort and joy, after all.

Ultimately, it’s about putting your own oxygen mask on first. And if you’re still working, see how many of these things you can find time for before you finish.

From my little business to yours, well done for all your hard work and creativity this year. I hope you all have a wonderfully festive Christmas break, and I look forward to being back in the new year!


PS If you’re thinking ahead and fancy a business review in the new year, don’t leave it too long to get in touch… January’s booking up fast!

Here's the thing: Gumption

Every Friday I post a “here’s the thing” blog. “Here’s the thing” is something my mum (and many other wise people) like to say when they’re about to make a good point. Hopefully these posts are also good points.

Recently, I’ve been listening to some festive tunes. You know, to get me in the spirit. I decided to put together a few playlists for the wonderful businesses taking part in Progress not perfection, and one included the soundtrack from one of my favourite Christmas films: The Holiday.

I love The Holiday. I’ve watched it probably a dozen times. I appreciate the scriptwriting, the humour, the optimism, the beautiful production, and the music.

As I was listening, I remembered on of my favourite moments in the film:

Iris (Kate Winslet) finally challenges Jasper (Rufus Sewell) about his complete inability to be a decent human being, never mind boyfriend. He turns up at her holiday home door and expects to be welcomed unconditionally and, at first, he kind of is. And then he sorts of hints that he’s still engaged to another woman and just wants what he can have. Yes, I’m still angry at him. BUT I’m also super in love with Iris when he says, “What’s got into you?” and she replies, “I’m not sure, but I think it’s something resembling… GUMPTION!”

She kicks him out (hooray! everyone rejoices!) and gets on with being totally awesome and loving Jack Black, aka Miles.

It’s a brilliant moment. There’s even a track on the soundtrack called Gumption.

And gumption is a great word. It encapsulates more than confidence, more than passion, more than energy. It’s kind of a combination of all of those things, with a whole host of self-belief and taking action for what you believe in, and what’s best for you.

Which sounds pretty cool, right?

So I was thinking that this time of year really requires gumption from a lot of us. The gumption to get up in the morning in the dark. To pack the 100th (or 1,000th) order of the day. To face a challenging family situation (because Christmas brings with it many challenging family situations).

There’s gumption in saying ‘no’ to people, activities, orders, situations, that aren’t on your personal priority list. Iris refuses to be led on by Jasper and by her own hope that maybe it’ll be different this time. She knows that, in order to be happy, she has to follow her own priorities. Awesome.

So here’s the thing:

You need gumption. You need, and deserve, enough self-belief to put whatever you need into action.

As you read this, I want you to imagine or play your own theme tune. If you need some inspiration, check out this gumption playlist I made. Allow the music to fill you with the quasi-calm that comes from knowing that you’re capable of doing whatever it is you need to do.

You already know it. It’s already there inside you.

I’m just pointing you towards it.


Notes of Encouragement

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