Every other week, I share a bite-sized suggestion to help you make your business a little better. Because as well as the big ideas and transformations, we also need regular actions, nudges, and tips.
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I’d kick off the first Little Better episode of 2022 with a whole heap of love.
Maybe you’re busy selling lots of loved-up cards or gifts. Maybe you’re busy pouring love on your clients. Or your family.
And that’s great.
Today, I want you to spend a little bit of time loving your business – and yourself.
You didn’t start a business to feel ambivalent about what you do.
You didn’t start a business so that you had to drag your feet to spend time on it.
You didn’t start a business to wonder why you started a business.
But there’s good news: you can romance yourself and your business – and it’s a legitimate business strategy.
Here are some ways you can love your business right now:
- Spend 15-60 minutes writing down the things you love, and the things you don’t love
- Notice if there’s anything you don’t love that you can delegate or stop doing
- Share more about your business and how you spark a lot of joy in the world
- Increase your prices by 10-20%, because you’re probably not building in enough profit
- Get clearer on your ideal customer and what you offer – get help with this if you feel foggy
- Set a money date and catch up on your bookkeeping so that you can have less stress and more confidence in your business decisions
- Hire a VA, coach, mentor, marketing expert, accountant who can help you to level up
- Find a couple of five star reviews, print them out so you can see them, and put them on your website / social media etc
- Anything that helps you to feel like a Proper Business Owner – including taking time off!
There are so many ways that you can love your business right now, and continue to build a business you love in the coming months.
Want my help? You can check out my Pricing For Profit course, and my highly recommended membership, The Better Business Collective.
>> Learn pricing skills for life with Pricing For Profit
>> Strengthen your business from the inside out with The Better Business Collective
Did you love this episode? I’d love to hear! Drop a note below, send me a DM, or even buy me a coffee.