Okay, friends. Here’s the thing (to coin a phrase): I’m working on something. Something BIG. Something new. Something that’s going to make my business better, but more importantly, it’s going to make YOUR business better.
Sounds good, right?
Good, I’m glad you’re on board!
So, to add some extra goodness to the whole thing, I thought I’d “live-blog” my progress with some behind-the-scenes looks at my thought process as I set something up.
The idea is cribbed from Paul Jarvis and Jason Zook over at Invisible Office Hours, who have been live-podcasting their latest project together. I’ve loved hearing them talk about their processes, and it’s totally worth a listen, especially if you have a penchant for software/service development (which, so it transpires, I do).
Anyway, back to this Big New Idea.
This project is so big that it’s kind of like setting up a new business from scratch. Oh yeah, I wasn’t messing around when I said it was BIG! But because it will involve setting up a website, creating packages and all that jazz, I thought it would be pretty helpful to read about. And hopefully interesting too.
It’s also a great way to keep myself accountable. Not that I particularly struggle with that, but having my thoughts written down has never really steered me wrong before.
So, I know what you’re thinking. What the blooming heck is this project?!
I’m not going to tell you just yet. That will come, but I’ve got some important conversations to have with people I want to get on board, and I don’t want to give the game away too much until I’ve spoken to them.
What I will give you is an insight into where I am right now, and what’s on my next steps list. This is a real-life snapshot of the project as it stands right now, and these things are not too far off the to-do list for any new endeavour.
What I already have:
- A name (to be revealed in due course)
- An idea of how I’ll describe the business (essentially, an elevator pitch)
- Ideas for packages (or products): I know what I’m going to be offering my clients/customers
- My target audience: not hugely different from my current audience (hi, there!), but subtly different, and with different specific needs
- A pretty good idea that this will work: not to blow my own trumpet, but I already know that there’s a gap in the market for this business project, because my existing clients are asking about it
My next steps:
- Plan the packages: what the customer will get, how much they’ll cost, how long each thing will take (so that I can price effectively). This won’t be hard-and-fast forever, but it’s what I hope to aim for. I’ll also plan introductory rates to help me launch the packages.
- Define the help I need.Β This isn’t a one-woman show. I’m going to need help. After I started looking for an assistant in January, I got some good contacts, but I need to define for myself what I need in the people I work with. It’ll be my Mary Poppins wishlist that I can then use to compare to the people I talk to about joining the project.
- Have conversations with people about the project. This is mostly about finding people to work within the business, but I might also have conversations with people who can support the development of the business (i.e. promote it or become customers).
- Buy the domain. I already have the name of the business, so this is a no-brainer. I’m not ready to start setting up the website yet, but I can at least grab the domain name. I might think about who I host with, as this will link later to whether I set up business email addresses etc. (This is a slightly more complicated question for me as I already have my thejennyhyde.com email address.) I’ll share my hosting decision once I’ve decided!
So, I’ll be back soon with an update! I’d love to hear from you if you have thoughts or questions about this Big New Idea, and if you’re planning to follow along. Post in the comments or get in touch.
Oh, and if you’re wondering about your own business development and getting my thoughts on online selling, my Inspired Action course starts in a little over a week, and is jam-packed with lots of inspiration and ways you can take action to improve your business.
Until soon
This is the bestest, excitingest thing! I am even loving the tease, though so dash darn desperate for the big reveal. x