Here's the thing: introducing #hopefulmoments

hopeful moments by Jenny HydeFor a while now, I’ve been using #hopefulmoments on Instagram. I just decided to use it one day because the words seemed to accurately describe what I was posting about.

Skip forward a few months, and it’s kind of still mine. It hasn’t really been used much. So today I wanted to share it and encourage you to use it for those little moments of hope and optimism.

You see, last weekend, on my first retreat of the year (more on that soon!), my star was hope. Everyone at my retreats gets to choose a star without knowing which word is on there. I believe everyone gets the word they need, and so when I chose hope, I know it was something important.

I often think about hope. I often write about hope. And I often cultivate hope.

To me, hope is a practice – something I have to do little and often in order to make it stick.

I also count hope as one of my superpowers: I offer hope to others, and I find hope in very dark places.

So that little star encouraged me to bring #hopefulmoments to the surface, to share it more widely and more consciously.

Here’s what #hopefulmoments is for:

  • The glimmer of hope, joy, happiness, peace among the mess and chaos of real life
  • Photos that feature your personal take on hope in that moment – regardless of whether it lives up to a curated, accepted standard of what hope (or anything else) should look like
  • Sharing stories, tender aspirations and daily positivity

What I’ll be doing with #hopefulmoments

My plan is to share to the hashtag regularly, and I’ll be keeping an eye out for those using it, too. Part of my aim in sharing it is to see what others find hopeful in those little moments between busy and restless and asleep!

Occasionally, I’ll do round ups on Instagram (I’m @jenny_hyde) and here on my blog to share contributors and their photos. Sharing is caring, after all…

And how about you? Will you join me on finding some #hopefulmoments?


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