As a business owner and a creative, you’re probably pretty good at problem-solving. Many of us are. Sometimes it’s spotting an opportunity. Somethings it’s rushing through the long list of orders you have to get through, or replying to that tricky customer.
Many of us LOVE solving problems, fixing things, making it better.
And it serves us really well. It makes us good at customer service. It makes us good at creating products and services that people need. It makes our lives better, and helps those around us, too.
Because who doesn’t want fewer problems?
But in business, problem-solving can become a distraction.
When we’re always looking at the list of things that need sorting out, the orders to post, the printer to fix, we’re not able to focus on the bigger picture.
The more we see and solve problems, the more problems come up that need to be fixed.
And all these little problems keep all our attention, which means we don’t have the care or time or energy left to address the bigger issues.
Big questions, like:
Is this really what I want to be doing, how I want to be spending my days?
How can I earn a good living by doing the things I really love?
Where is the profit coming from?
What’s the meaning and purpose behind my business?
What am I here to do?
If we stay in problem-solving mode too long, getting distracted by urgent things that are shiny and have a short-term importance, we wake up in a life and a business that doesn’t quite feel right.
And this isn’t just one big crisis. Sometimes this happens a couple of times a year, or every two years or so.
This is the process. Get good at something. Get good at solving problems. Get distracted. Get restless. Get frustrated.
Then we stop. We reconnect. We look at the bigger questions. We get clear.
Yes, you can look at the bigger questions (and their answers) daily.
Yes, that will help you to stay focused on what really matters.
Yes, you can get EVEN BETTER at solving problems when you look at it from a bigger perspective.
So. Are you ready?
Come and dive deeper into the bigger questions with me on Friday 10th May at myΒ Creative Business Day Retreat.
Let’s celebrate your awesome problem-solving skills, while also getting you set up to feel better, play bigger and find more success.
Dive into the big questions yourself, and you’ll discover clarity, answers, resources and energy that you’ve been missing. It’s thoroughly recommended.
And doing it in a group with a talented guide (ahem) can give you even more strength through community, inspiration, and accountability.
This is why I do what I do.
You matter, and so does your business,
Jenny xx