Here's the thing: are you REALLY ready?

are-you-really-readyWe all, at some point, talk about the changes we want to make in our businesses and lives. I know, I talk to clients who want change all the time. And at this time of year, there’s a lot of it about.

In my experience, people are either ready to explore options (with guidance or on their own) or stuck in refusing to consider anything at all. Occasionally, we’re somewhere in between, or pendulum-swinging between the two.

That stuck-ness is fear and resistance. And it’s part of the process. Sometimes we have to pretend everything’s fine and shoot down every idea and observation anyone has – or that we have about ourselves. Our ego is fragile and needs to be right.

Until it doesn’t. Until we let ourselves get quiet enough to hear the small, persistent voice within that says, “This isn’t working for me. I’m not sure what the answer is yet, but I’m ready to ask the question.”

That voice is different to fear and ego. Our authentic voice doesn’t say, “This is bullshit. I shouldn’t have to put up with this. Everybody else should change.”

Being ready – really ready – can feel terrifying in a totally different way.

It means we’re ready to challenge the status quo. It feels like courage, even if we haven’t actually done anything differently yet. It feels like stepping into a different world. And it can feel like coming home.

There are a lot of people out there promising to change you or your business or your life without acknowledging that real change isn’t effortless. Real change comes from within and requires energy and readiness and adrenaline and that oh-my-god-I-can’t-believe-I’m-doing-this feeling.

I’ve been sucked into these promises too. And I’ve discovered that there’s a big difference in their effectiveness: if I’m not ready, it’s not worth it.

Don’t invest in courses or mentoring or coaching if you’re not ready to really ask the big questions, explore possibilities and cultivate the vulnerability of the creative process.

If you still feel stuck, a bit too attached to your status quo and staying safe, you need to explore that before you go any further. Or find a course or coach who can help you explore your resistance. That’s worth it – but only if you know you’re ready to shift it.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re on your way to being ready. And if you are, I’m here, cheering you on (and even if the support you need isn’t my professional support). The thing is, if you’re ready, I’m on your side, whatever “ready” means, because I’m ready too. I’m walking the path of always asking the difficult questions and sitting with the tricky answers. And celebrating the heart-soaring moments, too.

As a coach and mentor, I know when clients aren’t ready. And I know that they’ll listen but not really make a change. The most satisfying clients are the ones who are ready. Do it when you’re ready.

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Notes of Encouragement

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