Here's the thing: praise and criticism

Praise and criticismSomewhere in the middle of last year, I realised I had a hunger for learning more. I’d been running my business a little over a year, and I’d built a decent understanding about the work I enjoyed and wanted to do more of, and the work that was showing up in front of me as I spoke to clients week on week.

I had this realisation that mentoring, to me, is a combination of consulting (“This is my experience, this is what I’d suggest”), coaching (in which the client holds the answers, and I’m a guide to uncovering them), and counselling (in which we uncover old beliefs and habits and past experiences that might be hindering). Some clients want 100% consultancy. Some clients want more coaching, to build their own skills and confidence. And sometimes we delve into counselling as we come up against some heavy stuff.

With modesty, I have skills and experience in all of these areas that I’ve built up over my lifetime. But I realised I wanted more confidence and clarity in understanding these three skills separately. I understood that there’s a connection between personal development and business development, but I wanted to know more.

I signed up for Tara Mohr’s Playing Big course for facilitators (coaches, teachers, leaders). It is just what I was looking for: discovering what empowers women in all kinds of ways and in all kinds of situations. And discovering how I, and my work, can empower women to build the lives and businesses they really want.

Okay, that’s all the back story. (Wait, let me just say: If you’re interested in Tara’s work, I highly recommend her book, Playing Big.)

So I’m currently about halfway through this six month training. The module that we’ve just finished is all about unhooking from praise and criticism, and it’s been an entire series of lightbulb moments, and I wanted to share some with you.

The most powerful premise of Tara’s work on this is: Feedback is always about the person giving it, rather than the person receiving it.

This isn’t too far off the adage that feedback is usually more about the person giving it. But it goes a step further.

For the avoidance of doubt: Feedback only ever gives us information about the person giving it.

So what does that mean? It means objective feedback doesn’t exist. It means that what other people think of our work, our products, our blog posts never means anything about us personally. It’s always about them and their experience.

So, if someone thinks your business idea is “bad” or scary or not worth the effort, that might tell you that they don’t like the idea of risk, or maybe they’re not convinced by your product range because they’re not your target audience. See how it’s about them, not you?

In any given situation, Tara suggests we consider all the things that the feedback is telling us about the other person’s preferences or situations or experiences.

Let’s say you receive feedback from a customer. The product isn’t as nice or as well-made as they expected. They tell you they’re disappointed and wouldn’t buy from you again.

I hear your pain, your anxiety, maybe even your sadness.

But let’s look through a fresh lens. This feedback is only information about their experience.

So what could we learn from their experience? What might this be telling us? Perhaps it’s telling us that they had certain expectations that weren’t met. Perhaps they’re disappointed. Perhaps they’re always disappointed.

What it’s not telling us: that you’re a bad person, that you’ve failed, that your products aren’t nice or well-made.

Tara helpfully points out that it can be handy to, compassionately, reflect on all the various things that might cause someone to be less-than-generous in their interactions. Perhaps they’re having a bad day. Perhaps they bought it as a gift that wasn’t received well. Perhaps they overspent on something else, so are extra touchy about how much they spent on your product (even though, on a different day, they wouldn’t bat an eyelid).

Once we’ve detached, even a little, from the feedback being objectively true and about us, we can decide whether it’s helpful.

We decide what our goals are in our businesses, and then we ask ourselves whether this piece of information about this person’s experience is helpful.

So, if their expectations were really high, and weren’t met, it may be helpful to you to know that. And if you had 100 people who gave you the same feedback, you might decide that managing expectations better suits your goals.

But one person with one experience, that is really all about them, may just be a piece of information to you.

I’ve found this shift in perception, this idea of unhooking from praise and criticism, really powerful.

What do you think?


I'm in need of a freelance assistant/copywriter

Freelance Assistant and CopywriterOkay, here’s the thing: things are looking up!

As I mentioned last week, I’m planning a LOT of stuff for the year / lifetime ahead. And I’m ready to find a brilliant, sparkling freelance assistant to help me move into the next phase of my business. Is that you? Is that someone you know? I’d love to hear!

It’s time to find someone fantastic

I’m looking for a freelance assistant to help me take my business to the next level by supporting me with copywriting, behind-the-scenes work on courses and events, and some exciting new projects I have in the pipelines.

Work remotely (plus tea and cake meetings)

The right person will be available to work remotely around 10 hours a week, but with the knowledge that some weeks will involve more or less work to accommodate the projects and tasks that come up. I also anticipate this building to more hours if things go well! Remote working will be the norm; we’ll keep in touch via chat and Skype, but I’d love to find someone in the Cambridge area (where I’ll be based later this year).

You: a brilliant, sparkling wordsmith

I’m looking for someone with excellent writing and proofing skills as a lot of the work will include writing content (such as product descriptions and blogs) for clients. You’ll also have a decent understanding of social media, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so that you can assist with creating content for these platforms. Crucially, you need to have an interest in small creative businesses, in innovation, and in creativity. I’ll also need you to be tech-friendly: you don’t need to know how to do everything, but you need to be able to learn quickly.

Current and ready-to-go projects include blog writing for clients, helping to organise social media posts, and writing product descriptions. I’m ready when you are!

Get in touch

If you’re interested in working with me, please get in touch with a brief overview of your skills and experience, and a CV to:

And please feel free to share with anyone you think might fit the bill!


Here's the thing: what to do when there's too much to do

what to do when there's too much to doIt’s the end of the first week of January. I would guess that it’s possibly one of the most emotionally varied weeks of the year. We go from feeling like anything’s possible to complete overwhelm (with a hint of beating ourselves up for being human) when we realise how much there is to do.

Ah, my friends. Let’s just take a breath, shall we?

Inhale, exhale.

Yes, that’s a little better.

I, myself, have been on the rollercoaster of too much to do this week. Actually, since Christmas Eve, though it was more manageable before Monday. Because I have big plans for my business this year, this lifetime. There are lots of things I want to do, lots of ideas I have to help small businesses, to create fun and helpful tools. Retreats, workshops, ecourses, mentoring packages, new services – the list is loooooong.

And it turns out I also have big plans for myself, my life, my relationship too: we’re planning to move this year to be closer to Ryan’s son. We’ve been talking about it for a while, and then over Christmas it felt right to move it forward to earlier this year. And we’re not just moving down the road, we’re moving to a new city and area, one that I don’t know.

So my list got longer, because it then included researching areas, looking at houses, planning a move, doing all the utilities faff and on and on.

And here’s what I realised: I can’t do all those things. I can’t do everything, but I can do anything.

If I’m deciding to commit to moving (which I am, and I’m excited about it!), then I have to push some things back, like a whole load of new services and ecourses and workshops. They will have to happen after the move, in the second half of this year. Because seriously, I can’t do it all.

I also realised that March, when I’m running my retreat, will have to be a month of no additional work, and a full week off after the retreat. Last year, I was wiped out. I put a LOT of energy into that weekend, so it makes sense that I need time to restore afterwards.

Do I feel happy that I’m not going to be able to get everything done, as I hoped, in the next three months? No. But I feel peaceful. It feels achievable and very much like I’m taking care of myself within all these big plans, and that is most important.

(You may remember that, in my first six months of business, I bought a flat, renovated it and moved into it. Yeah, I learnt some things in that process.)

So here’s the thing:

Whether you’re planning to re-locate your life or not, we’re all susceptible to piling too many things on our to-do list and then feeling like failures when we don’t get them all done.

As I love to remember, we tend to overestimate what we can do in the short term and underestimate what we can do in the long term.

Especially in January!

You may be feeling, on the 8th of January, like you’re already behind. There are already resolutions or super-organised-energetic to-do lists that are slipping.

Here are some things I’ve been doing to help me get through to the really important stuff (big and small):

  • Draw the important / urgent matrix: get a big piece of paper and divide it into quarters, as below. Start seeing your to-do list in terms of importance (the value something adds to your business, or its potential) and urgency. It’s a great way to see what you can postpone, de-prioritise and stop doing. (Note: social media notifications usually fit in ‘urgent but not important’ – the blacklist zone.) Update: here’s a printable version of the urgent and important worksheet.





  • Be very clear about what needs to be done today, and what can wait. I really, really want to write a new ecourse, organise a workshop, and blog every day. They all hold value, but actually they can wait while I sort everything else out. They’re ideas that aren’t going anywhere, and much as I’m sad I can’t do them this week, I know I’ll enjoy it when I do.
  • Realise that small acts are sometimes the most energy-consuming. Sometimes, I end up giving a disproportionate amount of weight to certain tasks, like replying to an email. Something that’s going to take me 10 minutes or less ends up sitting on my to-do list with as much importance as ‘Create new ecourse’. I’m still learning this, but it makes a huge difference to me to get small bits out of the way first, so that they don’t weigh on my mind.
  • Be curious about how much you can do in a day. Rather than thinking, ‘I have eight hours of work time today, so I’ll do this for 10 minutes, and this for an hour, and I’ll go straight to the next thing for an hour…’, try becoming a scientist and experimenter in your own time and habits. Discover how much you can do in a day, or an afternoon, rather than thinking you already know, or trying to fit too much in. So at the end of the day, you can say, ‘Oh, cool, I did five things’, rather than kicking yourself because you expected to do 10.

And of course, I have a couple of tools to help you with organisation. The first is The Year’s End, to help you plan your year, and the second is a shiny new Planning With Purpose monthly programme which opens for registration on Monday. (And for those interested, Inspired Action will run in April this year, not Feb/Mar as previously advertised.)

I’d love to hear your thoughts, tactics and to-do lists!


Notes of Encouragement

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